Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week Thirteen & Fourteen.

Hey everyone!
  So... A nervous mother out there may have noticed that I didn't write last week!  Well, there was a freak accident and a cherry picker (one of those big machines they use to paint or fix things in obscure, high up places) fell over onto some power lines!  The entire town and some other little towns nearby were without power for two days--of course, just during P-Day, right? haha it meant some very fun scripture study by candlelight, and some not-so-fun cold showers in the dark and eating random things left in the house because all the businesses were closed and we couldn't buy food!
  It was a fun day though.  We went around town and took pictures with things--attached are a pair of pictures I affectionately refer to as "The Field is White All Ready to Harvest," since I didn't really take missionary pictures before I left... and with some members too.  And good thing I did!  This weeks transfers were very surprising.
  I'm writing from Prosperidad, MaroƱas, Montevideo, Uruguay.  It's near the city center, on the big busy highway Ruta 8, and seems to me like the polar opposite of little Varela.  Instead of concrete houses, nice wealthy buildings line the main (paved!) roads--for example, the huge business complex Zonamerica, which would look ridiculously nice even in most parts of the States.  The branch here is quite big--almost a ward, with between 40 and 50 members consistently attending meetings.  We have tons of support from the members, and are fed almost every day--also a big change.
  Our area is huge.  We take buses everywhere.  I'll keep you updated but it's been a busy week of changes.  I'm now paired up with an Elder Trejo from Mexico.  All of my favorite missionaries here are Mexicans!  Elder Marroquin, Elder Martinez, Elder Mata--just great guys, the lot of them.  Elder Trejo has a great sense of humor and I'm excited to polish up my Spanish as I work with a native Latino for the first time.  There's a piano in the chapel!  It is in horrible need of tuning, but hey--it's a piano.  I've been able to play again for the first time in months.
  I have been really struck these last few days by the importance of daily repentance.  We have the beautiful gift and opportunity to change ourselves in every moment of our lives--be it a kind thought, word, deed, or even just a righteous desire, every effort to draw nearer to the Savior changes us for the better.  There is so much I still need to improve-- I find that as a missionary, I seldom commit sins of commission-- doing things I know are wrong-- but rather sins of omission-- that is, not doing every possible thing to serve the Lord in all times and places.  But life is ever better.  Yes, I'll miss Varela, and the friends I made there.  But the days, weeks, and months to come will give me chances to apply all I learned there from Elder Griffin, Elder Barber, and the Holy Spirit in personal revelation.
  I love you all!  Have a great week,
  Elder Hansen

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week twelve.

Hello everyone!
I don't have much time to write today, since I'm in a little Cyber Cafe in Montevideo (the capitol) and need to catch a bus in under an hour.  But I wanted briefly to share some of the thoughts of Elder Walter F. Gonzalez of the Quorum of the Seventy, who spoke to our zone in a conference this last Saturday.  He spoke of the importance of immediately directing any need or concern in this life to our Savior Jesus Christ--He is the only one who knows how to meet every one of those needs.  He is the Living Water to the spiritually thirsty, the Bread of Life to the hungry, the Rock and Sure Foundation upon which to build a stable home, the Way and the Shepherd to the lost and wandering, the Friend to the lonely, the Judge of both the righteous and the sinner, the Light to those in darkness, and the Life of all the world in overcoming the effects of death.  I love Him so much and know that what Elder Gonzalez said is true--every problem we confront in this life can, in one way or another, be solved by the Lord, His Gospel, and His one true Church.
Elder Gonzalez went on to discuss ways in which we can better use the Book of Mormon and questions in our teaching--emulating the Savior's teaching style of referring to the scriptures and then asking soul-searching questions to the hearts (not merely the factual knowledge or mind) of those He loves.  Upon using such tools, he also counseled not to fear silence--I know that the silences and times of internal reflection or contemplation in our lives give room for the Holy Ghost, our constant companion, to teach and testify to a pondering soul in a far better way than could ever be accomplished without His divine aid.
I just finished signing my residency papers, so... I'm official!  Woot!
I love you all as my friends and family--I feel the Lord blessing me each day for your righteousness and prayers.  And though I may just be one weak missionary in the army of God, I'm doing my best to return the favor.
Elder Hansen

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week Eleven.

Hey, folks!  Another busy week in Varela draws to a close.
This Sunday the branch presidency was reorganized, and new President Alejandro de Leon (a local Varelense!) is very supportive of the missionaries.  We're excited to work together with the ward to see great results in the weeks and months to come.
We attended an awesome zone conference this last weekend and I was really struck by the need we have as missionaries--though really, as any of God's children--to repent daily immediately after any sort of sin or distraction.  Such lapses in obedience (even just little ones like taking a lunch break five minutes too long) can have tremendous consequences on the future of those we serve!  Only when we are 100 percent dedicated to serve the Lord can we take advantage of 100 percent of the opportunities He will give us to serve others.
This weekend will be great too!  We are going to Maldonado (Uruguay's only tourist town, on the coast) to hear from Elder Gonzalez of the presidency of the Quorum of the Seventy.  I'm so excited!  And what's more, I'll get to call home for Mother's Day!  While it hasn't been a huge distraction for me, I'm not going to pretend I haven't missed my family a ton from time to time.  So things continue to get better.  As the missionaries around here say, "Vamos arriba!" (literally, "let's go up!", or "Let's make things better").
And we found some really promising investigators this week--Dario and Daniela are a couple who have read the Bible together for years and are very interested in discussing their questions about scripture and our beliefs with us.  Due to the remainder of our investigator pool continuing to dwindle, you can  be sure I'll keep you up to date!
I love you all!  I read through some family history, my patriarchal blessing, and most of my mission journal today, and was really struck by the importance of record keeping in order to draw upon past spiritual experiences to find strength in the present.  I need to do a better job of recording things like that.  If we have ever received a witness from the Lord, can we feel now the way we did once before? (D&C 6:22-23, Alma 5:26).  Thankfully, the Spirit will bring all things important to the salvation of souls to our remembrance despite our imperfect minds.
¡Suerte!  May God bless you,
Elder Hansen